Team management

Using expertise exactly where it's needed

Running a successful team is as much about finding the right people as it is about identifying everyone's unique skills and putting them to good use. Knowing who has what skills and how to leverage these skills can save time and elevate a team to the next level. This is why Nibo remembers who has the relevant skills to address specific types of tickets. Assignment happens automatically, based on an issue's tags or classification. And by recognizing particular keywords in the customer's request, Nibo can also classify the issue itself. It's automation at every level.

Employees spend a lot of time looking for information. Up to 20% of their time is wasted looking for how to solve an issue or for somebody to help. Assigning the task to the right person straight away solves this problem at its roots. And if it so happens that extra knowledge is required, Nibo is there to help with suggestions from the Knowledge Base.

Β For example, we managed to save 70% of the time spent with dispatching using auto-assign for one client dealing in customer service.


Following a team's workflow

With smart filtering, managers and team leads can easily visualize the work being done by team members. The dashboard will gather all issues and organize them into columns representing the status of the ticket (solved, in-progress, etc.). All new issues land in Queue, then when they get picked up by an agent, they are moved to Progress and eventually, to Resolved. There is also a Parked column for pending tickets. Issues might end up in this column if more information is needed from the user, for example. Β Β 

You might be thinking,"Oh, so it's basically a Kanban system - what makes Nibo special?".The answer lies in how the smart filters work. The smart filters can be applied across the entire board, showing the tickets for specific teams, tickets that have encountered problems, tickets from particular clients, and more.

Following specific issues

Another notable management-improvement feature is the pinned search board. You can create custom columns by using the search function together with smart filters. Got a specific client that needs monitoring? Just make a dedicated column. Need to follow all issues that have delays? No problem - create a column for that in only a few clicks.

Departments overview

Work often needs to be divided up across departments, rather than just on the team level. With our system, each department can have its own boards, and teams can cross-assign issues to each other. Β 

Find out more about modern ticketing.

Analytics for better workload distribution

Know when your busiest times are, who is good at what, and how teams perform as a whole, so you can make better decisions about assigning. Got a lot of tickets coming in Monday and Tuesday morning? No problem, those are the times you should rely on your part-time workers. Is ticket dispatch causing delays in solving issues? If so, try relying more on auto-assignment and watch your resolution time improve. Β 

Find out more about our analytics module.




less time spent dispatching issues
team auto-assign
10 min
median response time
median resolution time
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